

Friday 4 December 2015

Works in Progress and Stuff.

I thought I would blog, as that's apparently something writers do every now and then, and I really should be using this medium more. So here goes, and this will just be a rambling post of sorts because it's Friday, I've been looking after my daughter since seven am, and I'm a little wired on coffee. Plus my thoughts aren't the most coherent at the best of times.

So, I decided to write about my forthcoming releases and stuff I'm currently working on. Because I couldn't think of anything else to write about. Did I mention it's Friday?

Okay - forthcoming releases over the next few months include the German version of THE LAST PLAGUE, published by Voodoo Press, which I'm very excited about as I'd never thought in a million years my work would be translated into another language. Then there's my short story BLACK FLOWER BUTTERFLY in Belladonna Publishing's anthology STRANGE LITTLE GIRLS. Then after that, at some point next year, will be the final novel in the 'plague' series, THE LAST SOLDIER, and a mystery novella or two I can't reveal yet. The German version of THE LAST OUTPOST is due to be published at some point too.

What am I working on presently? Well, I've got two projects on the go at the moment - a short story - MISERY ARTIST - for an anthology, and a novella called KING CARRION. Once they're done I'll start on my next novel HUNT THE DEVIL. I may even have a crack at submitting to Black Static, but that depends how ridiculously optimistic I get.

At least I've got plenty to do between changing nappies and walking dogs. Onwards.

So, that's it. I hope to make more effort at blogging from now on. I may even write about something interesting. Maybe. We'll see.

Be excellent to one another. Bye.

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