

Tuesday 9 August 2016


So, as of today, my next story DEATHCRAWL is available for pre-order. It's scheduled for release on August 30th, which gives me time to give the story a last polish before it's sent away to the Amazon overlords.

Here's the description, if you're interested...


Murder, suicide, mutilation and madness. Slaughter in the streets. Anything goes.

When the village of Beacon Fell is hit by an epidemic of violence, Jed Kittridge is one of the few people immune to the bloodlust that has turned his friends and neighbours into rabid killers. Insanity fills the air. Friends become enemies. And in the aftermath of such death and destruction, all that matters is survival...because the world will never be the same again.

DEATHCRAWL is a fast-paced, violent thriller that takes inspiration from the extreme end of the horror spectrum.


The cover was done by the awesome Daryl Duncan (check out his zombie novella SCUD). Great work, as always, mate.

And that's that! It feels good to be getting work out there. Long may it continue! I'm quite enjoying this self-publishing experiment.

Be excellent to each other.


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