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Monday, 6 June 2016

The Self-Publishing Noob.

So, I took the plunge and self-published my short story FALLEN SOLDIER at the weekend...and it's going well so far, despite my almost-total lack of experience with it. Pretty pleased with the reaction to the story, and it's had some good reviews. But my plans for world domination do not end there, for I'm planning to self-publish another short story and a novella - SCAVENGERS - in the near future.

I also have a few short stories due out soon, not to mention my traditionally-published novellas KING CARRION and RUIN. Then there's an idea for a crime thriller slowly bubbling at the back of my head, which I'm quite excited about.

So, that's what's been happening over here. I'm off to eat some cheese. Ciao.

The SCAVENGERS cover was done by Daryl Duncan. I love it.